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About Bharati Vidyapeeth
During the last 60 years, Bharati Vidyapeeth has made astonishing strides in the field of education, particularly, higher and professional education. Today Bharati Vidyapeeth conducts more than 156 educational units of various kinds, right from pre-primary schools to postgraduate institutions and a full fledged professional university (BVDU).
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Bharati Publications

Vichar Bharati

(A Periodical of Bharati Vidyapeeth)

Vichar Bharati is a quarterly house journal, which Bharati Vidyapeeth has been publishing for last 34 years. The first issue was published in January 1976 and since then its publication has continued without any interruption.

Vichar Bharati is something more than the house journal of Bharati Vidyapeeth. The issues of Vichar Bharati also include, beside periodical reports of the activities of Bharati Vidyapeeth and its branches, serious articles of eminent writers, thinkers and others. The list of its illustrious contributors so far includes such eminent thinkers as Shri V.S. Page, Dr. G.S. Khair, Dr. M.R Mangudkar, Shri Balasaheb Bharde, Dr. Shankarrao Kharat, Prof. G.P Pradhan, Dr. Anand Yadav, Dr. Sarojini Babar and others. Vichar Bharati so far has brought out special issues on many contemporary and important themes such as folk arts, Ayurved, drug addiction etc.

Other Publications:

Bharati Vidyapeeth occasionally publishes books on important subjects. This activity was started in 1975 with the publication of Marathi version of "Sugarcane Industry in Maharashtra'', written by Shri Yashwantrao Mohite, a well-known thinker in Maharashtra, and the President of Bharati Vidyapeeth. It was originally published by the Government of Maharashtra in English. In all 60,000 copies of Marathi version of this book were sold out within a very short time and the revenue generated by this activity was of great help for the construction of the building for Shankarrao More Vidyalaya, the first educational unit that was started by Bharati Vidyapeeth. Besides. Bharati Vidyapeeth has published a few more books, to mention a few, a biography of Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil, and 'Petlele Partantrya Va Dhumaste Swantantrya', a collection of lectures delivered by Shri Yashwantrao Mohite.

Bharati Vidyapeeth has sponsored publication of "Stri Sahityacha Magova" (3 volumes). This important work contains collection of articles of women writers in Maharashtra published between 1850-1950. This voluminous work received a very warm welcome from the circles of women activists and litterateurs and has won a number of awards. It has tremendous value as a reference work.

Besides, Bharati Vidyapeeth gives generous financial assistance for the publication of books of writers in different spheres, which have social relevance.

Social Initiatives

Bharati Vidyapeeth has contributed significantly for the promotion and protection of interests of deprived sections of population. The sense of social commitment of Dr. Patangrao Kadam is reflected in the institutions which he has started and in their activities. Bharati Vidyapeeth stands for:

  • Empowerment of women
  • Upliftment of rural people
  • Spread of education in rural areas
  • Quality education through the institutions of professional education
  • Upliftment of tribals
  • Promotion of sports activities
  • Encouragement to arts, artists and literary people
  • Rural Health
  • Development through cooperative institutions

Sister Concerns

Maharashtra has nourished over the last ten decades or so a very sound tradition of co-operative endeavours for self and community development. Thousands of co-operative units, be it a cooperative credit society, a sugar factory or a spinning mill have contributed significantly to the economic development of Maharashtra.

Realizing the crucial role the co¬operative units can play in mobilizing, bringing together and channelising the developmental potentials at the grass root levels, Dr. Kadam has established quite a few cooperative units. He has nourished them with utmost care and strict administrative discipline and so they are cited as success stories. He got inspiration from such stalwarts in the co-operative movement such as Dr. D.R.Gadgil, Padmashri Vikhe Patil, Padmashri Vasantdada Patil and others.

To know more of the Co-operative Development Programs of Bharati Vidyapeeth click on relevant links on the top menu under Sister Concerns

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BV University has three campuses in Pune, at Dhankawadi on Pune-Bangalore Highway 5 kms in the south of Pune, and at Erandwane.

New Delhi

New Delhi

One of our major campuses is located in Delhi. It is situated in a prestigious locality of Paschim Vihar on the new Rohtak Road. It is spread over 8 acres of land. Read more...

Navi Mumbai

Navi Mumbai

Bharati Vidyapeeth has two campuses in Navi Mumbai. Both these campuses are located in prime localities and are easily accessible. Read more...



Bharati Vidyapeeth houses three campuses in Sangli which includes a sprawling 50 acre campus in Wanlesswadi, Rajwada Chowk Read more...



Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) has two campuses in Kolhapur, one at Kadamwadi and another at Chitranagari.Read more...



BVDU is located at the central part of Solapur. The institute is spread over in an area of 11,500.54 sq.mtrs in lush green and pollution free area.Read more...



The Karad Campus is conviently located in Karad on the Mumbai Bangalore Highway. It houses the YMIM and YCLC colleges.Read more...



The Campus at Palus in Sangli Dist houses the Institute Of Technology a Polytechnic College. Read more...



Bharati Vidyapeeth houses 12 schools and 2 state university affliated colleges in Kadegaon. Read more...

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