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About Bharati Vidyapeeth
During the last 60 years, Bharati Vidyapeeth has made astonishing strides in the field of education, particularly, higher and professional education. Today Bharati Vidyapeeth conducts more than 156 educational units of various kinds, right from pre-primary schools to postgraduate institutions and a full fledged professional university (BVDU).
Admissions 2020-21
RTI Information

Indian Students

Eligibility Certificate is the first document, which enables the students to get admission to the chosen course in the university Jurisdiction. In the interests of the students as well as in the academic interests of the University, it is necessary that the process of issuing eligibility certificate should be completed expeditiously. If such process is delayed or remains faulty due to any reason students and along with them all other concerned have to suffer. Money spends by the students and their valuable years go waste because of such delay in issuing certificates.

To avoid such eventuality or at least to minimize the same, it is necessary that this process should be completed very carefully, cautiously and with speed. The Heads of Colleges as well as Directors of constituent units of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) are requested to carefully note the following instructions for this purpose.

The Principal of the college or Director of the institute should check that the applicant satisfies all the conditions of admission to the concerned course before admitting such applicant and admissions are made according to the rules.

  • The originals & two attested copies should be retained by the College / Institute and should be made available to the University officials at the time of Eligibility camp or thereafter whenever asked for.
  • The student and the admission authority both are responsible for any discrepancy error, wrong or incomplete information in the form.
  • The Principal and Director of the constituent unit of B.V.D.U. should note the contents of University circulars issued in this behalf from time to time.
  • Please note that the Eligibility rules should be strictly followed while giving admission to the students and if any candidate is found ineligible, the Principal/ Director of the institute will be held personally responsible for the lapse and the University office shall not be a party to any litigation arising out of this critical position.
  • It should be carefully checked that the students enter all the required information in the prescribed eligibility form and no column in the form is left blank.

Photocopies of the following documents in the neat and legible form with endorsement as true copy by the Principal/ Head of the Dept./ Director of the institute or teacher incharge of admissions, under his signature and stamp (with date) should be enclosed. Certificates not so attested will be rejected. Original Documents should NOT be enclosed except migration and affidavit for educational gap and change of name, if applicable. University office will not be responsible for any loss of original documents if enclosed.

  • Statement of Marks (Last qualifying exam.)
  • Passing /Degree Certificate (If statement of marks does not make clear ? class /percentage of marks of the student in the relevant examination).
  • Migration Certificate (Original).
  • PTransfer Certificate (If applicable).
  • Attendance Certificate, if applicable.
  • Affidavit regarding gap in education and /or change of name (in the original), if applicable.
  • Copy of the admission letter issued by admission authority in case of C. E. T. admission process by University office.

If student fails to submit any of the above-mentioned certificates along with the application form, his/her admission shall be treated as provisional and shall stand cancelled on 20th December of the current academic year.


The courses for which condition of minimum percentage of marks is required; the relaxation of 5% marks if applicable to particular course be given to the above-mentioned categories. The College shall receive eligibility fees from their students and shall issue receipts thereof. The Principal shall submit demand draft or cheque in the name of "The Registrar, Bharati Vidyapeeth, University, Pune" 30 of the amount so collected within four days from the date of eligibility checking.

Change in Name

It should be ensured that name of the student in the application form for eligibility and Statements of Mark, Passing Certificate; degree certificate of the qualifying examination or in any other documents enclosed herewith is the same. In case, there is a difference in the name i.e. in case of girl- student, if name after marriage is different then proof for  change in the name , such as copy of Government Gazette, Marriage Registration Certificate; Affidavit should be enclosed along with the application form. Eligibility Certificate will not be issued in the absence of such documentary proof

  • Migration Certificate
  • The student migrating from the jurisdiction of the B. V. U. to any other University shall apply for migration certificate to the University, through the Principal/ Head/ Director in the prescribed application form. The concerned Principal / Head / Director shall forward the application along with the Transfer Certificate, after careful verification of the documents so as to avoid unnecessary correspondence.
  • The application form for Migration Certificate is available in the University office on Payment of RS. 10/-. The student shall pay RS. 100/- as  Migration Certificate fee in the form of Demand Draft or by cash. Draft should be drawn in the name of & payable to "Registrar, Bharati Vidyapeeth, Deemed University, Pune" 30 on any nationalized Bank along with the application form.
  • Migrated Student with A. T. K. T. are Not Eligible for Admission

No student coming from another university shall be eligible for admission in this university in the next higher class, unless he is declared as passed in the preceding year / class of the former university, i. e. the student who has been granted ATPT/ ATKT in any course by other university shall not be eligible for admission in the next higher class of the course in this university.

  • Student who has appeared for supplementary examination Not Eligible

Student who has appeared for any supplementary examination of the Statutory Board/ University shall not be eligible for admission in higher class in this University unless he/she is declared as Passed before the last date prescribed for admission to the course.

  • The Principal / Director shall carefully note the following conditions while scrutinizing the eligibility of the students for the course
  • Student with S. S. C. and G. D. C. are not Eligible

Student passing S. S. C. examination with English and Government Commercial Diploma examination of Government of Maharashtra are not eligible for admission to the F. Y. Course of any faculty

  • Student with 11years H. S. C. / S. S. L. C. are not Eligible
  • Students passing the Higher Secondary Examination of any Board with duration of 11 years are not eligible for admission to any course; Where H.S.C. (XII std.) or equivalent examination is the minimum qualification in this University. (e.g. Rajasthan Board, M. P. Bhopal Board etc.)
  • Students passing the school level examination conducted by the following Boards will not be admitted to any course in this University on the basis of certificates of these Boards
  • The Central Board of Higher Education, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi 110018
  • The Central Board of Higher Education, 39/7,East, Patel Nagar, New Delhi
  • The Central Board of Higher Education, Vachaspati Bhavan, New Delhi
  • On the basis of Degree examination of Following University student will NOT be eligible for admission to any Course in any faculty
  • Maithili University/Vishwavidyalaya, Darbhanga, Bihar
  • Mahila Gram Vidyapeeth / Vishwavidyalaya,( Women's University, Prayag Allahabad - U.P.)
  • Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi (U.P.)
  • Jagat Puri Delhi
  • Commercial University Ltd. Darya Ganj, Delhi.
  • Indian Education Council of U.P., Lucknow (U.P.)
  • Gandhi Hindi Vidyapeeth, Prayag, Allahabad (U.P.)
  • National University of Electro Complex Homeopathy, Kanpur.
  • Netaji S.C.Bose Univ.(Open Univ.) Achaltal, Aligarh (U.P.)
  • D. D. B. Sanskrit Univ. Putur, Trichi, Tamil Nadu.
  • Vocational University, Delhi.
  • United Nations University, Delhi
  • U.P. Vishwavidyalaya, Koshi Kalan, Mathura (U.P.)
  • Maharana Pratap Shiksha Niketan Vishwavidyalaya , (U.P.)
  • Raja Arabic University, Nagpur
  • Bharatiya Shiksha Parishad, (U.P.) Open Vishwavidyalaya Lacknow
  • Dnyaneshwar Vidyapeeth, Pune , (M.S.)
  • Shrimat Mahadevi Varma Open University, Mugal Sarai (U.P.)
  • Arya University Shrinagar, (J&K)
  • National University , Nagpur.
  • Kesarwani Vidyapeeth, Jabalpur (M.P.)
  • Kesarwani Vidyapeeth, Jabalpur (M.P.)
  • Badaganvi Sarkar World Open University, Belgaum (Karnataka)
  • ADR-Centric Juridical University, New Delhi.
  • Gurukul Vishwavidyalaya, Vrindawan (UP)
  • Admission of student passing Three year Diploma in Technical Education of Maharashtra State to F.Y.B.A. / B. Sc. / B. C. S./ B. Com. / New five year Law course / First year B. E. Course

The student passing the Three year Final Diploma Examination in Engineering conducted by the Board of Technical Examinations, Maharashtra state is eligible for admission to the first year B.A. / B. Sc. / B. C. S. / B. Com. / New five year Law course, (subject to approval of BCI), B.E.

  • Admission to courses after Graduation

For the purpose of admission to Second Graduation course or Post Graduation course the candidate should have passed Graduate course of three-year duration of this University or any other statutory University or equivalent examination.

In case of graduate with two years course duration (i. e. Calcutta University) the candidate securing minimum 50 % marks at graduation examination will be held eligible for admission to such course.

Procedure for submitting Eligibility application forms / list and eligibility fee.

  • The student should submit the application form for the certificate of eligibility to the college along with requisite documents and fee at the time of admission.
  • The student should submit the application form for the certificate of eligibility to the college along with requisite documents and fee at the time of admission.
  • College will prepare separate lists of students in triplicate Category wise as well as Course wise.
  • These list along with separate demand drafts of total fees collected should be submitted to the University on or before dates mentioned in our separate circular. The officer of the University will be retain two copies and Demand Draft and return one copy of such list by endorsing it with his signature as receipt to the college.
  • All the application forms arranged course wise and class wise as per list will be kept in the college and be submitted at the time of eligibility checking. The date and time of eligibility checking allotted to the colleges will be communicated separately.

The Principals / Directors are earnestly requested to ensure that admission are given strictly in accordance with rules and regulations.

If the colleges have any difficulty while deciding eligibility of any candidate for admission to any course, they should refer the case to the University along with all certificates.

Notwithstanding anything contained in the above rules of admission, Rules made by Govt. of Maharashtra, Govt. of India, time-to-time and approved by the University Authorities shall prevail.

Bharati Sahakari Bank Ltd

(A Multi State Scheduled Co-operative Bank)

During the early period of Bharati Vidyapeeth, its Founder needed some finances for its developmental purpose. He approached a local leading bank, which showed little enthusiasm in loaning out any amount to this baby institution. This was a very challenging situation for him, with which he dealt successfully by establishing his own bank "Bharati Sahakari Bank" in 1971. In this task he got co-operation from his colleagues who had tremendous faith in his abilities.

Within a short span of time the Bank won over the confidence of hundreds of its customers and established its reputation as one of the trustworthy and leading banks.

The Bank has now 18 branches and one extension counter operating in New Delhi, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Solapur, Sangli, Kolhapur and at other places located mostly in rural areas. The locker facilities are provided in most of its branches.

There are three landmarks underlining the ever ascending graph of success of Bharati Sahakari Bank:

  • The Bank has earned 'A' audit class every year continuously since its establishments
  • The Bank has paid to its share holders annual dividend at the rate of 15% every year.
  • The Bank is one of the few cooperative Banks in Maharashtra, which have been given the status both as a Multi State Bank (April 2002) and a Scheduled Bank (May 2002)

The Bank is particularly keen to help people belonging to the deprived sections of society, small entrepreneurs and concerns. The Bank's Corporate Office is located in Pune.

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BV University has three campuses in Pune, at Dhankawadi on Pune-Bangalore Highway 5 kms in the south of Pune, and at Erandwane.

New Delhi

New Delhi

One of our major campuses is located in Delhi. It is situated in a prestigious locality of Paschim Vihar on the new Rohtak Road. It is spread over 8 acres of land. Read more...

Navi Mumbai

Navi Mumbai

Bharati Vidyapeeth has two campuses in Navi Mumbai. Both these campuses are located in prime localities and are easily accessible. Read more...



Bharati Vidyapeeth houses three campuses in Sangli which includes a sprawling 50 acre campus in Wanlesswadi, Rajwada Chowk Read more...



Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) has two campuses in Kolhapur, one at Kadamwadi and another at Chitranagari.Read more...



BVDU is located at the central part of Solapur. The institute is spread over in an area of 11,500.54 sq.mtrs in lush green and pollution free area.Read more...



The Karad Campus is conviently located in Karad on the Mumbai Bangalore Highway. It houses the YMIM and YCLC colleges.Read more...



The Campus at Palus in Sangli Dist houses the Institute Of Technology a Polytechnic College. Read more...



Bharati Vidyapeeth houses 12 schools and 2 state university affliated colleges in Kadegaon. Read more...

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