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About Bharati Vidyapeeth
During the last 60 years, Bharati Vidyapeeth has made astonishing strides in the field of education, particularly, higher and professional education. Today Bharati Vidyapeeth conducts more than 156 educational units of various kinds, right from pre-primary schools to postgraduate institutions and a full fledged professional university (BVDU).
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RTI Information

College of Physical Education, Pune


Year of Establishment : 1994
Address: Bharati Vidyapeeth Educational Campus, Katraj- Dhankawadi, Pune
Phone: (020) 24373741, 24373744
Fax: (020) 24372223
Website: https://www.bvuniversity.edu.in/copepune
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Constituent Unit Of Bharati Vidyapeeth Since : Since 1996
Approved By : NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education)
NAAC Approval number with grade A
Principal: Dr. T.K. Bera, MA,MBA,M.Ed.(PE),Ph.D
No. of Teachers : 6
No. of PG Teachers : 6
How To Reach : By Railway Station (10 Kms)


The College of Physical Education, established in 1994, offers a one year course leading to the B.Ed. (Physical Education), which is equivalent to B.P.Ed. Degree. The College is recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education, New Delhi. It also offers M.P.Ed., M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Physical Education. The syllabi of the courses are so designed as to prepare professionally qualified teachers for classroom, as well as, for the playground. Its degree is accepted by the Government of Maharashtra and other State Governments in India for the purpose of appointment as teachers in for school, college and university. Having an independent building; the College has its own full-fledge Gymnasium facilities and spacious well nurtured playground. The College conducts a six-week long certificate courses in Gym Instructor, yoga. The University deputes teams of Sports persons of this College for participation in the inter-university and other national as well as international sports tournaments.


Research PG UG
M.Phil. (1 yr. regular)
(2 yrs. vacation / in-service)course
M.P.Ed (2yrs.) B.Ed (Physical Education) (1 yr.)

Fees Details

Fees Details for the year 2010-11
Course Regular Category
Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.)- 1 yr. Rs. 30,000/-
Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.)- 2 yrs. Rs. 40,000/- (per year)
Master of Philosophy in Physical Education (M.Phil.)- 1 yr. Rs. 40,000/-

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Information technology and Biotechnology, Pune


Year of Establishment : 2002
Address: Pune Satara Road, Katraj-Dhankawadi, Pune – 411 046
Phone: 020 24379013
Fax: 020 24365713
Website: https://www.bvuniversity.edu.in/rgitbt
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Constituent Unit of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Since to : Since 2003
Approved By : UGC,NAAC "A"
Principal: Dr. G. D. Sharma
No. of Teachers : 18
No. of PG Teachers : 12
How To Reach : Nearest railway station:Pune Station 15km
Nearest AirPort :Lohgaon Airport 20 km

Key factors of the Institution:

  1. Students are the vital stakeholders.
  2. Infrastructural facilities are the key attraction at RGITBT.
  3. Knowledge and job-oriented syllabi form second attraction.
  4. Subject-wise expert faculty as per UGC norms form third attraction.
  5. Digitalized library with internet connectivity is fourth attraction.
  6. Physical infrastructure to run the academic programs
    • All classrooms have LCD projectors connected to LAN, for simultaneous conduct of theory classes.
    • Subject-wise separate UG and PG laboratories for different programs.
    • Three research laboratories focused for research in nutrigenomics, fermentation technology and herbal biotechnology
    • A/c auditorium with 140 seating capacity for seminars
    • Conference / exhibition hall, administrative/ students’ guidance office,
    • Availability of sports equipments
    • Dark room facility for gel documentation
    • Filtered and chilled drinking water facility
    • Elevator for heavy equipment transfer
    • Spacious basement to arrange breakfast / lunch/ dinner for conference delegates
    • Dedicated 125 kVA generator for uninterrupted power supply
    • Poly-house and shadenet facility for hardening banana plants
    • Two wheeler and four wheeler parking lot and
    • Well laid out garden to create desired ambience for learning.
  7. Hands-on training to every student who works independently in laboratories to handle different research equipments & gain practical skills.
  8. Practicals oriented for industrial applications to groom students for industry placement.


The Institute was conceptualized in 2001 and acquired recognition by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in September 2002. The institute’s activities focus on imparting education, training and research in the emerging areas of biotechnology.

  • A spacious architecturally built in area of 58,000 square ft. houses five Departments, Dept. of Microbial Biotechnology, Dept of Biochemical Sciences, Dept. of Plant. Biotechnology, Dept of Cell & Molecular Biology and Dept. of Bioinformatics.
  • Each Department is well equipped with UG, PG and research laboratories and LCD facilitates classroom teaching.
  • Department of Bioinformatics has two computer laboratories well equipped with internet connectivity and necessary software.
  • Adequate library facility with over 1952 books and 26 periodicals / journals is presently provided to students. To avail latest knowledge, internet facility is provided in the library.


  • Department of Biochemical Sciences
  • Department of Microbial Biotechnology
  • Department of Plant- Biotechnology
  • Department of Cell & Molecular Biology
  • Department of Bioinformatics
  • Department of Medical Biotechnology


PG UG Diploma
M.Sc. Biotechnology
M.Sc. Bioinformatics
M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology
B.Sc. Biotechnology Advanced Diploma in Bioinformatics

Institute of Environment Education and Research, Pune


Year of Establishment : 1994
Address: Katraj – Dhank awadi, Pune – 411 043
Phone: +91-7447431314 / +91-20-24375684 / +91-20-24362155
Fax: 91-020-24362155
Website: https://www.bvuniversity.edu.in/ieer
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Constituent Unit Of Bharati Vidyapeeth Since : 1996
Approved By : NAAC Approval number with grade A
Principal: Prof. Dr. Erach Bharucha
No. of Teachers : 5
No. of PG Teachers : 11
How To Reach : From Pune Railway station : 15 Kms. From Swargate : 5 Kms. From Airport : 20 Kms


The Institute of Environment Education and Research, Bharati Vidyapeeth University (BVIEER) is unique educational and research institution. The distinctive characteristics of the BVIEER are its wide mandate of teaching, research and extension which have been major thrusts. Its innovative teaching program supplements classroom teaching with field work, guest lectures, group discussions, projects and internships. It has worked in the field of environmental policy building and furthered academic excellence through various collaborations with international Universities and organizations. Its outreach programs have led to its influence a pro-conservation attitude over thousands of schools students who are the future citizens of India. The building of the BVIEER is a 'green' building that has a very low carbon footprint and incorporates the use of non-conventional energy source, rain water harvesting, recycling, and waste management measures and serves as a model of sustainability. The Institute has several notable achievements in various sectors.


Accredited (2004) and Reaccredited with A Grade by NAAC (2011)
UGC A grade (2012)

Contribution to policy formulation and capacity building

The notable achievements of the Institute in this year with this regard include its projects and programs that have led to influencing policy and implementation of environment education at school and college level, infusion of sustainability issues in school textbooks across India along with strategies for Protected Area management. A series of 18 workshops on different aspects of environment and sustainability have been held in the last academic year.

Influencing textbook writing in India
BVIEER is member of the international collaborative project on 'Education for Sustainable Development' (ESD) funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). This program of the GIZ aims to strengthen individual competences and institutional capacities for ESD of organizations, Government as well as non-governmental educational work from India, Mexico, South Africa and Germany through conferences, networking and continuing education.
BVIEER conducted two ESD workshops specifically targeted at orienting textbooks writers across India to infuse concepts related to sustainable development into their textbooks. 53 textbooks writers from 23 states (deputed by the respective State Council of Education, Training and Research-SCERT) participated in these workshops.

Strengthening institutional mechanisms biodiversity conservation through multiple stakeholder partnerships
The second series of workshops done under this program were highly local and focused on the links between biodiversity and sustainable development and aimed to set up model programs through multiple stakeholder partnerships that could be upscaled into larger national programs. The BVIEER Pune conceptualized two day workshops in each of five ecologically distinctive regions of Maharashtra in close collaboration with the Maharashtra State Biodiversity Board, Maharashtra State Forest Department through funding support from GIZ.

Strategic planning for biodiversity conservation in Maharashtra
The First Stakeholders workshop of Maharashtra State Biodiversity Board (MSBB) held at BVIEER saw the participation of 140 people and included representatives of the Forest Department, scientific organizations, Universities and NGOs. This meeting resulted in the development of a blueprint for the MSBB to implement biodiversity conservation in the state.

Capacity building for strengthening ecotourism in Maharashtra
A five day training program on 'Ecotourism Management' was organized by BVIEER for officials from the Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra (FDMC). This capacity building program funded entirely by the FDMC saw the participation of top officials who were oriented to various aspects of ecotourism a new venture of the Government of Maharashtra.

Capacity building for teachers and Forest Department officials
The BVIEER has been appointed as the State Resource Agency for Maharashtra for the National Green Corps program of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India since 2002 till date. This program reaches out to 9050 schools across the state of Maharashtra.
The BVIEER is also the Regional Resource Agency for the states of Maharashtra and Goa for the 'DNA Club Program' of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India since September 2007 till date.
A series of two workshops for capacity building of school teachers in delivering environment education and making science education highly interactive and interesting were held this year.

Research and Consultancy

Research and consultancies are an integral part of the activities of the Institution. The research is done in close collaboration with implementers ensuring that the findings have great practical relevance and contribute to improving the environment as well as livelihoods. Over the last one year, the Institute has been involved in eleven research and consultancy projects with a total outlay of Rs. 397.42 lakhs. The major thrust areas of research are landscape planning, applications of geospatial technology, wildlife research, environmental health and biodiversity conservation. For details log on to http://ieer.bharatividyapeeth.edu

An important achievement this year has been the inauguration of the Indian Geosptial Education and Training Portal a first for India on 29 November 2013 at IIT Mumbai at the hands of Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Secretary, Department of Earth Sciences, Government of India.


As the goal of the institution is to bring about community awareness this aspect has been given great importance and is a major sector of the Institute's environment related activities. Its major focus has been to conceptualize design and implement school environment education programs and activities for rural and urban schools to ensure the spread of environment consciousness to the community. The program has extended to participatory community environment related activities in the ecologically sensitive areas of the Western Ghats as well as in the surrounds of several Protected Areas.
The school program of the BVIEER reaches out to 4,57,500 students across the state. Locale specific educational material for this outreach are developed jointly by BVIEER and the Department of Social Forestry, Government of Maharashtra.


Textbook for Compulsory Core Module in Environmental Studies (Second edition)
The Institute has also been instrumental in influencing the implementation of the compulsory core module on environmental studies at the undergraduate level across the country. This is a first for any country in the world and BVIEER faculty have written the official UGC textbook for the course which is presently available in five Indian languages.

Geosptial Education and training portal
The BVIEER has been asked by the Department of Science and Technology (NNRDMS) to set up a dedicated portal for geospatial capacity building in the country. This portal a first for India will network geospatial educators and users contributing to geospatial capacity building.

Academic Programs

The Institute is a specialized post graduate institution that conducts doctoral and Masters programs in Environment Science and Geoinformatics along with a Diploma in Environment Education.

Student Profile
The student profile at the BVIEER includes students from various states such as Jammu and Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, West Bengal, Assam, Manipur, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh as well as countries such as Germany, Japan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria making it highly diverse and ensuring experience sharing in environment management.

Nomination as Experts

BVIEER faculty are well known across the country and are today nominated as Chairman/experts on the boards/committees of several organizations such as the Maharashtra State Board for Biodiversity, Wildlife Advisory Board of Maharashtra, Central Zoo Authority, Government of India, SACON (A Centre for Excellence of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India), IGNOU, New Delhi, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, Wildlife Trust of India, New Delhi, Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, etc. This is a reflection of the contribution of faculty which in turn strengthens the academic program.

Infrastructure (Classrooms/ Labs/Library etc.)

The building of the BVIEER is a 'green' building that has a very low carbon footprint and incorporates the use of non-conventional energy source, rain water harvesting, recycling, and waste management measures and serves as a model of sustainability. The Institution has office space that covers 1161.54 sq. feet area, a computer lab of 641 sq. feet, laboratories of 2050 sq. feet, library of 1210.35 sq. feet, 3 lecture halls of 4047.40 sq. feet, one auditorium for 200 individuals and two large halls of 3868.43 sq. feet for the Environment Museum and Activity Center. The total built up area is 15,542 sq. feet. The 188 seater auditorium is used for seminars, project and dissertation presentation and guest lectures besides seminars and conferences.
The Institute has well equipped computer and geospatial laboratories, chemistry and biology laboratory well equipped with sophisticated equipment Flame photometer, BOD Incubator, Dust Sampler, Respirable Dust Sampler, COD Digester, Flocculator, Spectrophotometer and software such as ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine, ENVI, IDRISI Selva, AutoCad, etc. with 24x7 internet access throughout its campus.
The geospatial lab is well equipped with 25 computers (Quad Core 2.66GHz,4GB Ram, 250GB hard disk, 19" TFT monitor, CD Rom drive and multimedia support card) with the multiple terminals linked to a server (Intel XEON CPU, 2.33GHz, 4GB ram,750 mirror hard disk ) and printers which is accessed by the students. All computers inside the lab are networked which are linked to each other through a Local Area Network (LAN) having internet facilities shared between terminals. The lab has 2 mbps speed internet and multiple high end licensed software such as ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine, ENVI, Idrisi Selva enabling students to carry out highly sophisticated GIS and image processing analysis. Besides this each of the faculty members are provided with individual computers and 24 X 7 internet facilities.


  1. M.Sc. in Wildlife Conservation Action

    The course has a multidisciplinary approach that integrates the science of wildlife conservation with social issues in managing and mitigating wildlife conflict and natural resource management. The course provides in depth knowledge of ecosystem and biodiversity conservation and management along with wildlife rescue and rehabilitation as well as legal instruments for wildlife conservation. It includes the cognitive aspects and technological skills necessary to further a career in the wildlife field. It trains the candidate in skills required for assessment and monitoring of biodiversity as well as wildlife management through a combination of course work, intensive field work and internships. The program also builds skills in conducting research and communicating for wildlife conservation. The course provides multiple exit points. The course is administered by the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies.

    The candidate should have secured at least 50% in the aggregate at undergraduate level and 45% for SC /ST / OBC candidates.

    The Masters of Science program in Wildlife Conservation Action is a 2 year full time course.

  2. Diploma in Wildlife Conservation Action

    The course has a multidisciplinary approach that integrates the science of wildlife conservation with social issues in managing and mitigating wildlife conflict and natural resource management. The course provides in depth knowledge of ecosystem and biodiversity conservation and management along with wildlife rescue and rehabilitation as well as legal instruments for wildlife conservation. It includes the cognitive aspects and technological skills necessary to further a career in the wildlife field.

    Graduation in any stream with minimum 50% marks

    The Diploma in Wildlife Conservation Action is a 1 year course.

  3. Diploma in Environmental Law

    The course has a multidisciplinary approach that integrates the concept of law, mechanism and framework with current issues in the field of conservation and protection of environment. The Course has been deliberated to facilitate understanding of implications of different laws at International and National Level.

    Graduation in any stream with minimum 50% marks

    The Diploma in Environmental Law is a 1 year course.

  4. Certificate in Wildlife Health Rescue and Rehabilitation
    The course provides in depth understanding of the various issues involved in wildlife health, capturing and handling wild animals, wildlife forensics and conservation breeding along with wildlife rehabilitation

    Graduation in any stream with minimum 50% marks

    The Certificate in Wildlife Health, Rescue and Rehabilitation is a 1 month course.


Research PG Diploma
Ph.D In Environment Science M.Sc. In Environment Science Diploma in Environment Education
Ph.D In Geoinformatics M.Sc. In Geoinformatics  
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BV University has three campuses in Pune, at Dhankawadi on Pune-Bangalore Highway 5 kms in the south of Pune, and at Erandwane.

New Delhi

New Delhi

One of our major campuses is located in Delhi. It is situated in a prestigious locality of Paschim Vihar on the new Rohtak Road. It is spread over 8 acres of land. Read more...

Navi Mumbai

Navi Mumbai

Bharati Vidyapeeth has two campuses in Navi Mumbai. Both these campuses are located in prime localities and are easily accessible. Read more...



Bharati Vidyapeeth houses three campuses in Sangli which includes a sprawling 50 acre campus in Wanlesswadi, Rajwada Chowk Read more...



Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) has two campuses in Kolhapur, one at Kadamwadi and another at Chitranagari.Read more...



BVDU is located at the central part of Solapur. The institute is spread over in an area of 11,500.54 sq.mtrs in lush green and pollution free area.Read more...



The Karad Campus is conviently located in Karad on the Mumbai Bangalore Highway. It houses the YMIM and YCLC colleges.Read more...



The Campus at Palus in Sangli Dist houses the Institute Of Technology a Polytechnic College. Read more...



Bharati Vidyapeeth houses 12 schools and 2 state university affliated colleges in Kadegaon. Read more...

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