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About Bharati Vidyapeeth
During the last 60 years, Bharati Vidyapeeth has made astonishing strides in the field of education, particularly, higher and professional education. Today Bharati Vidyapeeth conducts more than 156 educational units of various kinds, right from pre-primary schools to postgraduate institutions and a full fledged professional university (BVDU).
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Poona College of Pharmacy, Pune

College Website :- https://www.bvuniversity.edu.in/pcp


Year of Establishment : 1981
Address: Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)Poona College of Pharmacy,Erandwane,Pune-411 038
Phone: +91-20- 25437237
Fax: +91-20-2543 9383
Website: https://www.bvuniversity.edu.in/pcp
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Constituent Unit Of Bharati Vidyapeeth Since : 2000
Approved By : A.I.C.T.E., , P.C.I. & U.G.C. Accredited by NBA and NACC - “A+” GRADE For Five Years
Principal: Dr. Atamaram Pawar
No. of Teachers : 63
How To Reach : From Airport: Pune International Airport : 14 Km
From Railway Station: Pune Station (Pune Junction) : 8 Km
From Bus Stand: Swarget Bus Stand Pune : 5 Km


Internet, sports, Gym, library, Hostels Games and Sports Facilities:
  • computer with internet facility
  • library facility
  • counselling Centre
  • Hostel facilities are available for the boys & girls.
  • Canteen
  • Medical Facilities

Outdoor sports:

2.5 acre sports ground Cricket pitch Cricket equipments like bats, balls, stumps, pads etc.

Indoor sports:

Table tennis table, racquets, balls Carom, Chess Gymnasium

Placement Facilities

The College has constituted a placement cell. This cell is headed by a Director. In addition to the Director there is a Placement Officer in the Cell. The Cell has been provided with a strong administrative backup. The Placement Cell has a strong database of potential employers (i.e. Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Chemical Industries).

The major activity of this Cell is to guide and help students for placement and training during the vacations. In addition to this, Cell carries out the following activities:

  1. to promote interaction between the Academics and Industry
  2. to train the students to write project proposals, prepare them for the interviews and presentations
  3. to work as an agency mediating between the students and industries
  4. to monitor the progress of students working with industries
  5. to select the students for awards to the best project reports
  6. to identify the job vacancies in various industries for placement and to provide information about them to the students
  7. to arrange seminars and group discussions for the benefit of students. They are given training for writing their curricular vitae, for giving interviews, group discussions and presentation on their project works
  8. quite a reputed Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Cosmetic Industries depute their executives to visit the College for the campus interview placement. The track record of such placement is excellent. More than 90% students get employed within the first three months and rest of them are employed within six months after their results are declared


  • Pharmaceutics
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacognosy
  • Quality Assurance Techniques
  • Drug Regulatory Affairs
  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Industrial Pharmacy


Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development, Pune


Year of Establishment : 1978
Address: Poud Road, Erandwane, Pune
Phone: (020) 25431060
Fax: 020 25431060
Website: https://www.bvuniversity.edu.in/imed
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Constituent Unit Of Bharati Vidyapeeth Since : 2001
Approved By : AICTE
Director: Dr. Sachin Vernekar
No. of Teachers : 55
No. of PG Teachers : 55
How To Reach : 8 km. from Pune Railway Station
Facilities Wi-Fi Campus, Well equipped Computer Lab, Well equipped Library, SEminar Hall, Conference Hall, Audio Video Equipments, Language Lab.


A wide range of amenities such as Hostels, Play fields, Gardens, Canteen, Banking and Postal services, Dispensary, Watch & ward services, vehicle parking Wi-Fi Campus, Well equipped Computer Lab, Well equipped Library, Seminar Hall, Conference Hall, Audio Video Equipments, Language Labs etc. have been provided and properly maintained.

The Computer Laboratory

The Computer Laboratory, equipped with the latest hardware and software, is where well-qualified faculty, in computing skills, trains students of various programmes. The Laboratory is quite spacious and houses three servers and PCL server, MSSQL server, MS Project Server 2005, My HR, Tally Placementor, 21 UPS systems, 27 Airconditioners, 6 LCD Projectors, Novell Netware 6.5, Windows 2003 and Linux. 400 Pentium nodes are attached to these servers. All latest application Development environments such as C, C++, Java, Oracle, Visual Studio .Net, Power Builder, Rational Studio, MS Office 2003, SPSS & ERP softwares are available.

The Computer Centre is a place where students can use Internet Services, Printer Services, CDs on various courses; and can prepare their Seminar presentations. The Centre has multiple nodes, My HR, ERP, Placementor training softwares for students placements, printers, scanners and CD writers to serve the students effectively.

The library is well enriched with a collection of about 20,000 books and 800 CDs on various subjects related to the curricula of different programmes.


The hostel buildings are spacious and properly ventilated. The hostel rooms are well equipped with fans, tube-lights, cupboards (lockers), cot, chair and table. Every hostel has spacious dining hall where meals are provided at reasonable rates. Each hostel has a recreation hall with a color T.V. Facilities for indoor games, internet, telephone/fax are available. Each hostel is installed with a solar system to provide hot water to the students. Medical facilities are also provided in the campus.


Buisiness Management & Computer Management


  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

College of Optometry, Pune

  • Information

    Year of Establishment : August 1998
    Address: Katraj Dhankawadi- Pune
    Phone: (020) 24378270
    Fax: (020) 24372175
    Website: https://www.bvuniversity.edu.in/optometry
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Constituent Unit Of Bharati Vidyapeeth Since : Since 26th April 1996
    Approved By : NAAC Approval number with grade Grade ‘A’
    Principal: Dr. Vivek A. Saoji,M.S.(Surgery)
    No. of Teachers : 9
    No. of PG Teachers : 3
    How To Reach : Nearest Railway Station: Pune Railway Station.- 11kms from college
    Nearest Airport: Lohegaon Airport, Pune - 25kms from college


    Clinics, Internet, Library, Hostel, Sports
    In 1998, Bharati Vidyapeeth School of Optometry was only the third Institute in India and the first in Maharashtra to have a four-year Bachelor in Clinical Optometry (B.Optom.) course in the medical college, at the University In 2003, Bharati Vidyapeeth is the first Institute in the country to have started a two-year Master of Optometry (M.Optom.) course Bharati Vidyapeeth School of Optometry revolutionized the educational system in India by giving an opportunity to diploma holders to upgrade their educational qualifications. For the first time in the history of Optometry, students who had completed diploma in Optometry and related subjects from approved Institutes were given admission directly to the third year B.Optom. Course. Bharati Vidyapeeth School of Optometry is one of the very few Institutes where maximum full time Optometry faculty is involved to conduct the entire B.Optom. Course. Bharati Vidyapeeth School of Optometry was the first Institute from India to have been affiliated to World Council of Optometry & is proud to follow the World Council of Optometry recommended syllabus, training and examination pattern and is also affiliated to Indian Optometric Association. The first optometry Institute in India which is Accredited “A” by NAAC


    • Department of Refraction and Low vision
    • Department of Dispensing Optics and Workshop
    • Department of Clinical Optometry
    • Department of Contact Lenses
    • Department of Orthoptics


    • Master Of Optometry
    • Bachelor in Clinical Optometry
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    BV University has three campuses in Pune, at Dhankawadi on Pune-Bangalore Highway 5 kms in the south of Pune, and at Erandwane.

    New Delhi

    New Delhi

    One of our major campuses is located in Delhi. It is situated in a prestigious locality of Paschim Vihar on the new Rohtak Road. It is spread over 8 acres of land. Read more...

    Navi Mumbai

    Navi Mumbai

    Bharati Vidyapeeth has two campuses in Navi Mumbai. Both these campuses are located in prime localities and are easily accessible. Read more...



    Bharati Vidyapeeth houses three campuses in Sangli which includes a sprawling 50 acre campus in Wanlesswadi, Rajwada Chowk Read more...



    Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) has two campuses in Kolhapur, one at Kadamwadi and another at Chitranagari.Read more...



    BVDU is located at the central part of Solapur. The institute is spread over in an area of 11,500.54 sq.mtrs in lush green and pollution free area.Read more...



    The Karad Campus is conviently located in Karad on the Mumbai Bangalore Highway. It houses the YMIM and YCLC colleges.Read more...



    The Campus at Palus in Sangli Dist houses the Institute Of Technology a Polytechnic College. Read more...



    Bharati Vidyapeeth houses 12 schools and 2 state university affliated colleges in Kadegaon. Read more...

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