ICCR students
Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), an autonomous organisation of the Government of India, was established in 1950. The objectives of the Council, as defined in its Memorandum of Association, are:
- To participate in the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes relating to India’s external cultural relations
- To promote cultural exchange with other countries and peoples
- To promote and strengthen cultural relations and mutual understanding between India and other countries
- To establish and develop relations with national and international organisations in the field of culture
The Council, with its Headquarters in Azad Bhavan, New Delhi, carries out this mandate of cultural diplomacy through a wide spectrum of activities which include:
A. Programmes Wing:
- Exchanges of visits by scholars, academicians, opinion-makers, artists & writers
- Facilitation of the organisation of and participation in seminars and symposia abroad
- Exchanges of visits by performing arts groups
- Exchanges of exhibitions
- Commissioning of busts and statues of Indian leaders for installation abroad
- Presentation abroad of informatics, audio-visual material, books on India & Indian musical instruments
- Active collaboration in the operations of some Foreign Cultural Centres in India ( e.g. nine of the thirteen British Libraries in India -- - the ones outside the four metropolitan cities -- - are run jointly by the ICCR and the British Council )
B. Administration & Education Wing
- Administering of scholarship schemes for foreign students for studies in India
- Assisting organisation of and participation in seminars and symposia in India
- Maintaining the Council’s Regional Offices in India and its Cultural Centres abroad
- establishing & maintaining Chairs & Professorships for Indian Studies in Universities abroadaal Centres abroad
- Administering the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding
- Organising the Maulana Azad Memorial Lecture
- Conducting the Maulana Azad Essay Competition
- Publications
‘Foreign Students coming to study at the Bharati Vidyapeeth University on ICCR scholarship should first report to the local ICCR Office’
The Address is follows:
Indian Council for Cultural Relations
Survey No. 163/2, Plot No. 31,
Deo – Phadke Bungalow,
Kotbagi Lane,
Off. D.P.Road,
Pune – 411007
Tel. Phone: +91-020- 25884194
Fax: +91-020- 25884140
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.